Archive for the news Category

Last 4 days before end of CFP

| February 10th, 2017

Time is running out .. submit your talk [here].


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How do I submit a talk?

You fill in this form by the end of Tuesday, 14.2.2017. 23:59 CET is the deadline.

I’ve never given a talk before ..

No problem. We 💙 first time speakers.

Can I submit multiple talks?


I’ve submitted a talk, is there anything else I can do?

You’re super awesome! Please tell your friends to visit: ./cfp and submit talk. Because it’s 2017, it’s also great if you can share it on social media.

0x7E1 edition

| December 14th, 2016

We are excited to announce that #BSidesLjubljana will take place March 10th in 2017 at Poligon creative centre (read hackerspace).

BSides is community driven information security event and here is the challenge – WE NEED YOUR HELP! We cannot do it without your participation (giving a talk/workshop, sponsoring, volunteering, helping us or just be at #BSidesLjubljana).

Here is how can you help:

  • Call for papers is online and open – so please submit your talk/workshop proposal, share CFP with your friends and colleagues, follow us on twitter (@BSidesLjubljana) and spread the word.
  • To keep BSidesLjubljana free for all participants we need sponsors to cover the costs. Can we count on your help or you might know someone or company who can help us out. Please get in touch with us via sponsorship[at]bsidesljubljana[dot]si or twitter (@BSidesLjubljana)
  • Spread the word about #BSidesLjubljana on social networks, between your friends and colleagues – share, tweet, retweet, blog, reblog …

Here are some dates you NEED to REMEMBER:

We look forward to seeing you this coming March. If you don’t find the information you are looking for on this site don’t hesitate to reach out to hello[at]bsidesljubljana[dot]si.

Loading 0x7E1 procedure

| December 13th, 2016
section     .text
global      _startNextBSidesLjubljana                              


    mov     edx,len                             
    mov     ecx,msg                             
    mov     ebx,1                              
    mov     eax,4                               
    int     0x80                              

    mov     eax,1                               
    int     0x80                               

section     .data

msg     db  'Booting up BSidesLjubljana 0x7E1',0xa                 
len     equ $ - msg